Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rest In Peace,Beau

It is said that dogs are humanity's best friend. This was certainly true about my dog Beau. Beau passed away quietly at home today after having a tumor on his liver. Beau was our 11-year-old Welsh Corgi and Golden Retriever mix. He was the most loyal companion a person could have. He loved us with all his heart and we loved him just as much.

We adopted Beau in 2000 from our local animal shelter. He was lively and energetic and took to us immediately and the feeling was mutual. He was especially attached to my father and clung to him almost constantly. My Dad passed away in July of this year. Perhaps Beau could sense the loss and wanted to be with my Dad again. In late August, our vet diagnosed Beau with a tumor on his liver. Beau lost a great deal of weight and energy. It was heartbreaking watching that happen to him. Beau was a fighter and fought bravely to the end. Even today,he was still trying to muster enough strength to stand up. At least we can take comfort knowing that Beau's suffering is over and that he is reunited with my Dad in a much better place.

Thank you,Beau,for all the joy and companionship you gave us through the years. Enjoy your new Heavenly home. God bless you,my beloved friend.